Black Swan

How did I coin the term Black Swan?

In 1997 I coined a term called Black Swan for my partner Lucianna at the time. She wanted to participate in the vampire world but didn’t identify as a full Vampire. So I came up with the term which was originally “My Swan” out to respect for her instead of calling her a ghoul or familiar. So here is the Black Veil as presented in the book Black Veils: The Vampire Lexicon.

Black Swans

Within the Veils, “Black Swans” are non-Vampire individuals who are intimately knowledgeable about the Black Veils and are friendly allies to their vampire friends. They are often involved in the Vampire subculture and associated with a Vampire, and can be friends, donors, dayside family members, lovers, or even potential Vampires yet to be awakened. The term Black Swan was coined at the New York City (Gotham Halo) Vampire nightclub Long Black Veil in 1997, for those who would bring their friends, parents, siblings, and lovers to the club.

One misconception within the Vampire World is that all Black Swans are donors. This is certainly very common, but it is not always the case. Many are even lifestyle Vampires who wear fangs, dress up, and know a great deal about the Vampire culture, philosophy, and traditions.. Often Black Swans are practicing the dayside elements of the Vampire lifestyle known as “lifestylers.”

In contrast to Black Swans are “White Swans’ who are against the Vampire lifestyle to varying degrees ranging from very hostile to just annoying.  These individuals can range from a girlfriend, friend, sibling or parent who strongly mocks or dislikes the Vampire lifestyle. They often will say things like, ìWhy are you wearing fangs?î or ìYou are really only living in a fantasy world, so stop it.î

Black Swans are to be treasured by Vampires and are strong allies. Treat them well and with respect, they are not pets but individuals with open minds and often resonate strongly with the Current and Vampire World. Even though the term originated at Long Black Veil it has become used by the Vampire Community throughout the world.